The easy readers : containing twenty selected lessons for morning or evening classes / written by Sutan Sulaiman
Catalog ID: 275609
BIBID: 0010-51831160
Buku Langka
2011-10-17 00:00:00
Deskripsi Koleksi » Detail Versi Lengkap
Catalog ID | 275609 |
BIBID | 0010-51831160 |
Jenis Bahan | Buku Langka |
Judul | The easy readers : containing twenty selected lessons for morning or evening classes / written by Sutan Sulaiman |
Pengarang | Sulaiman, Sutan |
Penerbitan | Djakarta : : Tinta Mas, , 1953 |
Deskripsi Fisik | ... jil. : ilus. ; 23 cm. |
Subjek | |
Nomor Panggil | 48/59; 1845/57 dan 1844/57; 1845/57 dan 1844/57 |
Konten Digital (Jenis Konten: PDF)
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- The Chinese in Indonesia / ed. J.A.C. Mackie
- Toelichting op de theerestrictje ordonnantie 1938 en theerestrichtie…
- On the working of punkahs in India as at present carried out…
- Some remarks on the wages paid in the Netherlands Indies / by…
- Second book of sanskrit : a treatise on grammar [with exercises]…
- 141 questions and answer about the Republic of China
- Vrijmetselarij : geschiedenis, maatschapelijke beteekenis en…
- Beauty and the beast / directed by Gary Traousdale, Kirk Wise…
- The religion of the Bare'e-speaking Toraja of central Celebes…
- A pageant of the spice islands / by R.H. Crofton
- Guide to the Greek, Roman English and Chinese coins / editor,…
- The Achehnese / Snouck C. Hurgronje ; translated by A. W. S.…
- Sourat a, b, c, jang bergouna banja capada anac bouda bouda…
- The food consumption of the native inhabitants of java and madura…
- Eclipses of the moon in India / Rob Sewell
- Pligten en regten van den Indischen militair in het byzonder…
- The Indiginous Tribes Dwelling At Present Between
- An Attempt to elucidate the principles of Malayan orthography…
- Comparative vocabulary of the Barma, Malayu and Thai languages…
- Provisional constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
- Bahoewa ini kitab tadjoelsalathen ja-itoe makoetha segala radja
- Inventaris der Hss. in de bibliotheek van het KITLV te's Hage
- Human law and the laws of nature in China and the west / Joseph…
- Constitution (Fundamental law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist…
- Notes on Hindu astronomy and the history of our knowledge of…
- Theorie de la chronologie ancienne, civile et naturelle, appliquâee…
- Perkenalan pesta [gambar] : Masagung bersalaman dengan pimpinan…
- Treaties and the constitutional separationn of the powers in…
- The Asiatic journal and monthly register for british and foreign…
- The Asiatic journal and monthly register for british and foreign…
- The character of far eastern history : an inaugural lecture…
- A brief history of the United States / by Franklin Escher
- The architectural review : a magazine off architecture & decoration
- The architectural review : a magazine off architecture & decoration
- The architectural review : a magazine off architecture & decoration
- The Asiatic journal and monthly register for british and foreign…
- The Asiatic journal and monthly register for british and foreign…
- Shooting fim [gambar] : film "The Night of the Iquana" prod.…
- The popular overland guide : hints to travellers by the overland…
- 15 Mei 1972 [gambar] : Batik Keris rapat pertama panitya The…
- 10 Mei 1972 [gambar] : Ratulangie, Nj. (Nj. Maria Catherina…
- Tampilkan lebih banyak
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