The Art of the warrior : leadership and strategy from the Chinese military classics : with selections from the Seven military classics of ancient China and Sun Pin's Military methods / translated, compiled, and introduced by Ralph D. Sawyer, with the collaboration of Mei-chu¨n Lee Sawyer.

Catalog ID: 1226753
BIBID: 0010-1119002619
Buku Langka
2020-08-05 09:06:12

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Catalog ID 1226753
BIBID 0010-1119002619
Jenis Bahan Buku Langka
Judul The Art of the warrior : leadership and strategy from the Chinese military classics : with selections from the Seven military classics of ancient China and Sun Pin's Military methods / translated, compiled, and introduced by Ralph D. Sawyer, with the collaboration of Mei-chu¨n Lee Sawyer.
Pengarang Sawyer, Ralph D. (penerjemah) (pengompilasi); Sawyer, Mei-chu¨n (penerjemah); Sun, Bin, active 4th century B.C. Sun Bin bing fa. Selections.
Penerbitan Boston, Massachusetts : : Shambhala Publication, , 1996; © 1993, 1995, 1996
Deskripsi Fisik xiv, 304 halaman : ilustrasi ; 23 cm
Subjek Kesenian dan ilmu militer - Cina - Awal 1800
Nomor Panggil 355.02 SAW a

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