Thor : the dark world / directed by Alan Taylor ; produced by Kevin Feige ; Skenario, Christopher Yost, Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely ; cerita, Don Payne, Robert Rodat

Catalog ID: 1208941
BIBID: 0010-0819005418
Semua Koleksi
2019-11-29 16:08:00

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Catalog ID 1208941
BIBID 0010-0819005418
Jenis Bahan Semua Koleksi
Judul Thor : the dark world / directed by Alan Taylor ; produced by Kevin Feige ; Skenario, Christopher Yost, Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely ; cerita, Don Payne, Robert Rodat
Pengarang Taylor, Alan, 1959- (sutradara); Yost, Christopher L., 1973- (penulis skenario); Markus, 1970- (penulis skenario); Stephen McFeely, 1969- (penulis skenario); Feige, Kevin, 1973- (Produser); D'esposito, Louis (Produser eksekutif); Alonso, Victoria (Produser eksekutif); Kyle, Craig, 1971- (Produser eksekutif); Lebental, Dan (editor); Smith, Wyatt (editor); Hemsworth, Chris 1983- (aktor); Portman, Natalie, 1981- (aktor); Hiddleston, Tom, 1981- (aktor); Hopkins, Anthony, 1937- (aktor); Skarsgård, Stellan, 1951- (aktor); Elba, Idris, 1972- (aktor); Eccleston, Christopher, 1964- (aktor); Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Adewale, 1967- (aktor); Payne, Don (cerita); Rodat, Robert (cerita)
Penerbitan California :; Jakarta :; © 2014 Marvel : Marvel Studios,; PT. Vision Interprima Pictures, , 2014; 2014
Deskripsi Fisik 1 DVD : digital, stereo. ; 4 3/4 inci
Subjek Film pahlawan
Nomor Panggil 791.436 52 THO
Nomor Kontrol INLIS000000000939192
Bahasa eng
Create Date 2019-11-29 16:08:00

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