The Cheetah girls one world / directed by Paul Hoen ; story by Dan Berendsen ; produced by Mitchel Engel

Catalog ID: 1208675
BIBID: 0010-0819005155
Semua Koleksi
2019-11-29 16:16:02

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Catalog ID 1208675
BIBID 0010-0819005155
Jenis Bahan Semua Koleksi
Judul The Cheetah girls one world / directed by Paul Hoen ; story by Dan Berendsen ; produced by Mitchel Engel
Pengarang Hoen, Paul (sutradara); Berendsen, Dan (penulis naskah); Engel, Mitchel (produser); Chase, Debra Martin, 1956- (produser eksekutif); Robinson, Fatima 1971- (koreografer); Lawrence, David 1960- (penata musik); Bhargava, Girish (editor); Bailon, Adrienne, 1983- (aktor); Bryan, Sabrina, 1984- (aktor); Williams, Kiely, 1986- (aktor); Seth, Roshan, 1942- (aktor); Steger, Michael, 1980- (aktor); Sharma, Kunal (aktor); Daryanani, Deepti (aktor); Ginn, Rupak (aktor)
Penerbitan California :; Jakarta : : Walt Disney Pictures,; PT. Vision Interprima Pictures, , 2008; 2008; © Disney
Deskripsi Fisik 1 DVD : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 inci
Subjek Film musik -- Film remaja
Nomor Panggil 791.436 357 8 CHE
Nomor Kontrol INLIS000000000938929
Bahasa eng
Create Date 2019-11-29 16:16:02

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